There is a Relationship Between My Gut & My Hormones!
When in Balance, the Friendly Bacteria are the foundation of good health. They:
- Nurture the frontline defense for your immunity (approximately 80% of your immune system)
- Balance brain chemistry
- Absorbs nutrients and kick out toxins
- Help to keep “unfriendly bacteria” in check
- Potentiate vitamins, minerals & amino acids to turn on longevity genes
- Play an essential role in hormonal balance, by helping the body eliminate old hormones, pharmaceuticals or other chemicals
- Support production an essential enzyme that helps metabolize estrogens. If the intestines have an abundance of pathogenic bacteria they produce another enzyme that recirculates old estrogens back around the body
So, Why would I have an imbalance of friendly to unfriendly bacteria?
What is Candida?
‘Candida’ is the popular term for an overgrowth of Candida Albicans.
When it is in healthy balance, candida albicans serves a useful purpose in that it recognizes and destroys harmful bacteria and toxins.
When an imbalance occurs, Candida colonies excrete over 79 different types of toxins which circulate throughout the body, weakening the immune system, leading to numerous symptoms and dysfunctions throughout the body.
When it overgrows the gut to an extreme degree, it morphs from a bacterium to a fungus, eventually growing rhizoids (roots) which can perforate the walls of the intestines, being a primary cause of Leaky Gut!
In this fungal state, it can create a carpet-like mass, which wraps around organs and nerves, including your brain. Candida can affect the reproductive organs, and be a contributor to PCOS.
How Candida Feeds a Hormone Imbalance
Some research indicates that overactive candida can inhibit the body from having a normal response to hormones. Dr. Orion Truss, M.D. states “When tests are done on estrogen levels, thyroid hormone levels, and other hormone levels in people that are suffering from these symptoms [candida overgrowth], the hormones are present in the bloodstream, but they are not activating any response.” Dr. Truss surmises that toxins produced by candida somehow inhibit the tissues from responding normally to hormones. It may also directly affect the functioning of the glands themselves.
Candida also eats progesterone, which results in estrogen dominance. Adding to the equation, a waste product from candida produces a false estrogen that has been known to interferes with thyroxin production and suppresses thyroid function. If that wasn’t enough candida also alters and disrupts neurotransmitters in the brain, altering the function of the central nervous system, our mental state and our moods.
Dr. Michael McNett, from the Paragon Clinic (a clinic specializing in treating fibromyalgia and muscular pain) believes that hypothyroidism is strongly linked to “candida hypersensitivity.”
“Something causes their immune system to aggressively attack candida cells that most of us tolerate.” Dr. McNett states that: “One thing that is very interesting is that treatment for candida hypersensitivity frequently causes all hypothyroid symptoms to disappear. Because of this, I feel that when the immune system attacks the candida cell, some chemical must be released that interferes with thyroid hormone’s ability to cause its effect in the cell.” Dr. McNett adds that in turn, hypothyroidism contributes to and may even cause fibromyalgia as well as some cases of chronic fatigue syndrome.
James Haszinger, a brilliant researcher from World Health Mall, agrees with the link between candida and thyroid suppression. He feels candida overgrowth in the intestines severely affects absorption, thus starving the thyroid gland of minerals and other essential nutrients. He states that when candidiasis is properly treated, thyroid function rebounds. People’s energy comes back, they often lose weight, and health can now be rebuilt. He also believes that candidiasis lies at the root of blood sugar problems, which ties in to our earlier discussion of diabetes. Hypoglycemia is probably implicated as well.
Factors that can trigger an imbalance of candida in your gut:
Factors that can trigger an imbalance of candida in your gut:
- Regular intake of wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, trans fats and refined foods
- High stress
- Lack of sleep
- Intake of antibiotics or other medication
- Impaired immune system
- Impaired liver function
- Hormonal imbalances
- Use of the contraceptive pill, mirena or HRT
- Environmental toxins
- Vaccines
- Adrenal fatigue
- Cortisone therapy
- Estrogen dominance
Is it Possible to Recapture a Healthy Balance in My Gut?
The Simple Answer is Yes! But, almost all protocols don’t work. Why?
Candida albicans is an extremely aggressive bacteria. If left unchecked in a warm, moist environment, it can proliferate to a weight of 2,000 lbs in just 72 hours!
No wonder people who have an overgrowth have extreme fatigue! A large portion of your immune system is managing Candida, preventing your gut from blowing up!