Who Needs Progesterone?

What is Progesterone & Who Needs It?

100 more published studies for progesterone cited on this page

Progesterone is the Master Hormone in all women. It is the hormone responsible for balancing the activities of a woman’s 27 different estrogens. It is the hormone used by the body to make many other necessary hormones, including estrogen, allopregenalone & testosterone. Optimal progesterone levels, is foundational for a woman to enjoy good health & wellness.

  • If a cycling woman fails to maintain sufficient progesterone during “that time of the month” she will experience some of the 150 symptoms of PMS/PMT, including cramping, irritability, headaches, etc…
  • A premature drop in Progesterone levels during pregnancy will almost always result in a miscarriage, or pre-term birth. A normal, sharp drop in progesterone levels on or about week 40, will trigger the birth of the baby & almost always result in “post-partum depression”.
  • Progesterone stimulates bone building cells called osteoblasts to build new bone tissue more effectively than any other influence, including aerobic exercise. Bone loss in women, begins, on average at age 37, resulting in 1.5% bone mineral density loss per year.
  • Men need progesterone to make testosterone
  • Progesterone supports prostate health
  • Progesterone supports production of serotonin & has been labeled the “Happy Hormone”
  • Progesterone-Based Therapy Protects Against Influenza by Promoting Lung Repair and Recovery in Females

Stephanie's Experience with Progesterone

Sara Yingling's Endo-Journey

Hormone Disruptors (both genders)

A Tale of Two Progesterones

The journal Postgraduate Medicine, 2009 Jan;121(1):73-85, stated, in part:

“Physiological data and clinical outcomes demonstrate that bioidentical hormones are associated with lower risks, including the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, and are more efficacious than their synthetic and animal-derived counterparts.

Until evidence is found to the contrary, bioidentical hormones remain the preferred method of HRT.

Of special concern is their relative safety compared with traditional synthetic and animal-derived versions, such as conjugated equine estrogens (CEE), medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), and other synthetic progestins. Bioidentical hormones have some distinctly different, potentially opposite, physiological effects compared with their synthetic counterparts, which have different chemical structures.

Both physiological and clinical data have indicated that progesterone is associated with a diminished risk for breast cancer, compared with the increased risk associated with synthetic progestins.” link [mfn]The bioidentical hormone debate: are bioidentical hormones (estradiol, estriol, and progesterone) safer or more efficacious than commonly used synthetic versions in hormone replacement therapy?[/mfn]

Two Awesome Progesterone Articles!

“Slowing the Aging Process with Natural Progesterone”

John Lee MD – Author
Pioneer in Use of
Natural Progesterone

Biology of Progesterone for Both Genders


  • Differentiating Between Natural Progesterone and Synthetic Progestins: Why Important  link2 link 3 link4
  • Progesterone Supports a Healthy Heart link5
  • Progesterone supports the brain to heal from damage after traumatic brain injury (the Human Brain Has an Inordinately Large Number of Progesterone Receptor Sites) link 6 link7 link8 link9
  • Progesterone is the precursor for Allopregnanalone (the nervous system has the capacity to bio-convert progesterone into its active metabolite allopregnanolone. The enzymes required for progesterone and allopregnanolone synthesis are widely distributed in brain and spinal cord. Increased local biosynthesis of pregnenolone, progesterone and 5α-dihydroprogesterone may be a part of an endogenous neuroprotective mechanism in response to nervous system injuries. Progesterone and allopregnanolone neuroprotective effects have been widely recognized) link10
  • “Progesterone prevented membrane cell damage, motoneuron loss and cell death. Allopregnanolone treatment was also neuroprotective.” link11
  • Progesterone supports the body to normalize the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis link12
  • Progesterone Supports a Happy Mood, via Allopregnanolone Production link13
  • Progesterone Supports a Healthy Heart link 14 llink15
  • Facilitates thyroid hormone function and utilization
    “Estrogen dominance causes the liver to produce high levels of a protein called “thyroid binding globulin”, which, as its name suggests, binds the thyroid hormone and decreases the amount of thyroid hormone that can be assimilated into and utilized by the cells.What does this lead to? Low thyroid function and all of the negative side effects that come along with it.”  link16link17link 18 link19
  • Progesterone is Anti-estrogenic (the average 54 year old male in the US, has higher estrogen levels that the average 54 year old female!) link20
  • Progesterone Supports Normal, Programmed Cell Replacement in breast, ovarian & prostate tissues link21link22 link23 link 24
  • Progesterone Supports the Body’s Natural Process of Inhibiting Tumor Formation in Breast & Prostate Cells link2526
  • Progesterone receptor modulates estrogen receptor-α action in breast cancer link28 link29 link30
  • Progesterone Supports the Body’s Ability to Alleviate the underlying cause of Hot Flashes link31 link 32
  • Progesterone Supports the Activity of Osteoblast Cells (in US, women, on average, lose 1.5% bone/year) (bone health) “Progesterone plus estradiol or other anti-resorptive therapies adds 0.68%/year and may be a highly effective osteoporosis treatment. US average is 1.5% bone loss/year” link33
  • Progesterone as a Bone-Trophic Hormone link34 link35
  • Progesterone Supports Phase IV sleep (the restorative, restful sleep) link36 link37 link38

Biology of Progesterone for Women

  • Differentiating Between Natural Progesterone and Synthetic Progestins: Why Important  link39
  • Progesterone vs. synthetic progestins: a systematic review and meta-analysis (a study involving 86,881 postmenopausal women) link40
  • Progesterone Supports Fertility, Conception, Full-Term Pregnancy link41 link42link43link44
  • High Levels of Progesterone During Pregnancy link45
  • Progesterone Supports the body’s ability to correct the underlying cause of most of the 150 different symptoms of PMS/PMDD link46
  • Progesterone Facilitates thyroid hormone function and utilization
    “Estrogen dominance causes the liver to produce high levels of a protein called “thyroid binding globulin”, which, as its name suggests, binds the thyroid hormone and decreases the amount of thyroid hormone that can be assimilated into and utilized by the cells.What does this lead to? Low thyroid function and all of the negative side effects that come along with it.”  link47link48link 49link 50
  • Progesterone Supports a Woman’s Normal Libido (Progesterone is the Precursor for Testosterone,source of libido in women)link51 link52 link53 link54
  • Progesterone Supports Healthy, Happy Ovaries (lol) link55 link56 link 57 link58
  • Progesterone Supports Normal, Programmed Cell Replacement in breast & ovarian tissues link 59 link60link61 link 62 link63
  • Progesterone Supports a Healthy Endometrium link64 link 65
  • Progesterone Supports Inhibition of Tumor Formation in Breast Cells link66 link67 link68 link69 link70
  • Progesterone Supports women in Menopause link71
  • Progesterone Alleviates the underlying cause of Hot Flashes link72 link73
  • Supports Osteoblast Function (bone health) “Progesterone plus estradiol or other anti-resorptive therapies adds 0.68%/year and may be a highly effective osteoporosis treatment. US average is 1.5% loss/year” link74
  • Progesterone as a Bone-Trophic Hormone link75 link76
  • Progesterone Supports Phase IV sleep (the restorative, restful sleep) link77 link 78 link79
  • Progesterone protects the brain from damage after traumatic brain injury link80 link81
  • Progesterone is the Precursor to Allopregnanolone Supports a Happy Mood link 82

Biology of Progesterone for Men

  • Progesterone is the Precursor for Testosterone link83 link84
  • Testosterone Supports Improved Muscle Mass link85
  • Testosterone Supports Weight Loss link86
  • Testosterone Strengthens Bones link87
  • Testosterone Supports a Healthy Heart link88
  • Testosterone Fuels Libido link89
  • Testosterone Supports an E.D.-Free Life! link90 link 91 link 92 link 93
  • Testosterone Supports a Decrease Alzheimer’s Risk & Improves Cognitive Function link 94 link 95
  • Testosterone Supports Increased Athletic Performance link 96
  • Testosterone Supports Increased Hemoglobin (low hemoglobin=anemia) link 97
  • Testosterone Supports Male Magnetism Toward Women link 98
  • Progesterone Supports Normal Breast Size in Men (links coming soon)
  • Progesterone Blocks 5AR, the Enzyme that Converts a Man’s Valuable Testosterone to DHT (normal consequence of aging). DHT is Implicated in an Elevated PSA Count (links coming soon)
  • Progesterone Is a Proven, Successful Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury (links coming soon)
  • The Human Brain Has an Inordinately Large Number of Progesterone Receptor Sites, Ergo, Progesterone Supports a Balanced Brain Chemistry (links coming soon)
  • RepeatProgesterone is the Precursor for Testosterone link99 link100

Clarification of a Long-Standing Misconception

It is important to note, there are two progesterones, one made by the body and one that is molecularly altered and patentable.

It is a common practice for health care professionals to say “progesterone” when referring to the synthetic “progestin”.

This is an important distinction, as “progestins” have a litany of side-effects. Conversely, “biologically identical progesterone” has a 40+ year history of safe, effective use, when administered in a safe cream formula.

Article by Anna Rushton